Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's out there! We had a positively GORGEOUS day on Sunday. My mother was very tired so after Mass she stayed home with Grammy and the two of them rested. Meanwhile my Dad took all six of us kids out to parks. We went to this park next to Lake Redman first. We went on a long 1.6 mile hike to this overlook which overlooks the highway and lake, hundreds of feet below us. Everything was soooooo green, and the picture up top with the title is of Max and Rose on the hike.

The Lake:


Rose was very happy!


"Look at my flower!"

"This is fun!" Ben enjoyed riding on my Dad's back during the hike.

We got very high, here if you look hard, you can see the lake.


The highway far below us.... ....Can you see the cars?

We passed a big vine, which Max and Rose tried to climb.

"Can I please try now?"


"WE'RE ON THE RIGHT PATH DAD!" John Paul enjoyed directing us with the map!


our little brown life said...

Hey- I have to say this:
If you tell me your mom was tired on Sunday morning and needed to stay home and rest...I can't help but get a little suspicious:)
Looking forward to more Anthony family updates!

Lorrie and Fred said...

What a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon! You guys certainly need some relaxation after all the hard work on the house!

teresa anthony said...

Hi Carolyn,

I had to laugh - no baby yet - at least as far as I know.

Have no fear - I am a woman that cannot keep a secret - not that kind anyway. With Ben, the rest of the kids were told within 24 hours of the little stick showing a plus sign, and from there I think our entire parish, the next door neighbors and the grocery store check out lady all knew within the next 48 hours.

I did enjoy my nap, though! :)