Monday, April 12, 2010

Mary Kate as Dorothy, and Joseph pictues

Mom here:

I've put up a few recent pictures of Joseph, and clips from Mary Kate's news appearance:

Mary Kate was on the news this morning! Below are two scenes with Mary Kate as Dorothy along with the munchkins.


And here's part 2



Catherine Berg said...

Mary Kate, that is so cool that you were on the news!!! How exciting!!! Your play looks wonderful. I wish we could go see it. Congratulations to you all in the play! And little Joseph is absolutely adorable.

papa said...

Mary Kate that was great. Your Dad emailed me to let me know you posted your clips. I tried watching on TV this morning but you were not on and I had to go to work. You're doing a great job.

Annette said...

Mary Kate, that was wonderful! Thank you for sharing, and break a leg!

Ania said...

You're famous! You look great Mary Kate! When is the show? Maybe we could come see it

Lorrie and Fred said...

We can't wait until the play next week! Break a leg!

The Schultz Family said...

Yay, Mark Kate! I SO wish we could come and see you! You look fabulous! make sure you post and tell us how it went, okay?

Baby Joey is so precious!

The Schultz Family said...

Whoops! That's "Mary Kate," of course. Silly me.
